October 2017

No News Is Good News

I heard someone say that running websites when you’re self-employed takes so much time away from doing the real work you’re trained for, that a website that isn’t frequently updated could simply be a sign that the owner is busy doing their job! Be that as it may, I shall attempt a brief summary of the last year and a bit. At some stage!

July 2016

Gwiz we’re half way through the year already!

The last six months has flown by and I’ve been able to assist NLP Master Trainer Melody Cheal on two GwizNLP Diplomas and a Hypnosis Certification course which has helped a great deal in my preparation for NLP Trainer’s Training which takes place this month. The more time I spend in the Gwiz learning environment, the more I am impressed with the level of skill, knowledge and experience on offer. I have also been working with Andy Knibbs at coachingkids4selfbelief.com on the next stages of a new online sports coach training course which we hope to have up and running by the end of the year. We’re now at the stage of recording video footage of the specific coaching skills and student responses which we are particularly interested in for this course. After Trainer’s Training I’ll be able to add NLP to the mix which will be a lot of fun to do and will fit well with the blend of directive and non-directive interventions for relaxed focussed attention and increased learning and performance that we’ll be looking at in the course. With all of this, time to see individual clients is going to limited for a while, but I’ll do my best to help if I can.

January/February 2016

Study & Training

Books with bookmarks in almost every room of the house since I committed to NLP Trainer Training. Books for Christmas, books for my birthday, books on my amazon wishlist… Very pleased to have taken that decision too - I’ve now been on two NLP Masterclasses in preparation and feel like my knowledge and ability to implement the attitudes, skills and techniques of NLP is increasing at an accelerated rate. The learning never ends! Next phase of the website update is done and am now thinking how to organise a more useful resource section.

December 2015 -

Happy New Year!

Enjoying some time hibernating with family and gearing up for 2016. Looking forward to working with more clients and the challenge of NLP Trainer Training in July. I was pleased with the results from a new Yeti usb microphone on a hypnotherapy audio for a client this last month - maybe there’ll be time to record some more for the website as well - watch this space! Wishing all visitors, clients and friends a healthy, happy and peaceful 2016.

November 2015 -

Looking Forwards

It’s been good to start working with some new clients and interesting to see how, in my own learning as a therapist, those wonderful generative abilities of the brain have continued to work in the background, so that I feel like my skills have actually developed more even though I haven’t been able to focus on this work as much as I’d have liked over the last three years. I wonder how much of that could be because of the strength of Richard Bandler’s teaching at the subconscious level on my NLP trainings?

October 2015 -

New Website Up And Running!

Well a lot has happened since the last news post. My mother died in 2014 since which I’ve been caught up in a whirlwind of executor duties which I hope to have finally squared away by the end of this year to the point where I have the time and energy for my clients that this work demands. I’m happy to have made a start with the new website prior to welcoming new clients in the new year. If you’ve been given the link before 2016, I’ll be making changes through to the January relaunch - so bear with me if some of the links don’t work or some of the information is in need of updating (including the photo - I’m a little older than this now - hopefully wiser too)!

January 2013 -

The Cliffhanger!

I've been tuning in to my own subconscious to come to a difficult decision to officially declare myself on 'maternity leave'. I'm now primary live-in carer for my mother who has dementia and I have had to face up to the fact that the amount of time and energy this takes has compromised my ability to give the time and energy that my nlpsuccesscoaching work calls for. I intend to pick up where I left off as soon as circumstances change. Unfortunately there is no way of knowing when this will be, so I'll just have to say that I'll resume as soon as I can and that I'm unavailable for sessions until further notice. If you'd like me to let you know when I'm back working with clients, just e-mail and I'll be in touch - things could change at any time with my mum's condition. I am really looking forward to continuing my work, especially in the field of QHHT because I've witnessed the incredible potential of the technique. I do trust that things will happen at the right time for everybody concerned. All the best to you all for now and your future possibilities! Pete*

Peter Farthing

Client Centred, Solution Based

© Peter Farthing 2015
© Peter Farthing 2015
© 2020 Peter Farthing
© 2021 Peter Farthing

October 2017

No News Is Good News

I heard someone say that running websites when you’re self-employed takes so much time away from doing the real work you’re trained for, that a website that isn’t frequently updated could simply be a sign that the owner is busy doing their job! Be that as it may, I shall attempt a brief summary of the last year and a bit. At some stage!

July 2016

Gwiz we’re half way

through the year already!

The last six months has flown by and I’ve been able to assist NLP Master Trainer Melody Cheal on two GwizNLP Diplomas and a Hypnosis Certification course which has helped a great deal in my preparation for NLP Trainer’s Training which takes place this month. The more time I spend in the Gwiz learning environment, the more I am impressed with the level of skill, knowledge and experience on offer. I have also been working with Andy Knibbs at coachingkids4selfbelief.com on the next stages of a new online sports coach training course which we hope to have up and running by the end of the year. We’re now at the stage of recording video footage of the specific coaching skills and student responses which we are particularly interested in for this course. After Trainer’s Training I’ll be able to add NLP to the mix which will be a lot of fun to do and will fit well with the blend of directive and non-directive interventions for relaxed focussed attention and increased learning and performance that we’ll be looking at in the course. With all of this, time to see individual clients is going to limited for a while, but I’ll do my best to help if I can.

January/February 2016

Study & Training

Books with bookmarks in almost every room of the house since I committed to NLP Trainer Training. Books for Christmas, books for my birthday, books on my amazon wishlist… Very pleased to have taken that decision too - I’ve now been on two NLP Masterclasses in preparation and feel like my knowledge and ability to implement the attitudes, skills and techniques of NLP is increasing at an accelerated rate. The learning never ends! Next phase of the website update is done and am now thinking how to organise a more useful resource section.

December 2015 -

Happy New Year!

Enjoying some time hibernating with family and gearing up for 2016. Looking forward to working with more clients and the challenge of NLP Trainer Training in July. I was pleased with the results from a new Yeti usb microphone on a hypnotherapy audio for a client this last month - maybe there’ll be time to record some more for the website as well - watch this space! Wishing all visitors, clients and friends a healthy, happy and peaceful 2016.

November 2015 -

Looking Forwards

It’s been good to start working with some new clients and interesting to see how, in my own learning as a therapist, those wonderful generative abilities of the brain have continued to work in the background, so that I feel like my skills have actually developed more even though I haven’t been able to focus on this work as much as I’d have liked over the last three years. I wonder how much of that could be because of the strength of Richard Bandler’s teaching at the subconscious level on my NLP trainings?

October 2015 -

New Website Up And Running!

Well a lot has happened since the last news post. My mother died in 2014 since which I’ve been caught up in a whirlwind of executor duties which I hope to have finally squared away by the end of this year to the point where I have the time and energy for my clients that this work demands. I’m happy to have made a start with the new website prior to welcoming new clients in the new year. If you’ve been given the link before 2016, I’ll be making changes through to the January relaunch - so bear with me if some of the links don’t work or some of the information is in need of updating (including the photo - I’m a little older than this now - hopefully wiser too)!

January 2013 -

The Cliffhanger!

I've been tuning in to my own subconscious to come to a difficult decision to officially declare myself on 'maternity leave'. I'm now primary live-in carer for my mother who has dementia and I have had to face up to the fact that the amount of time and energy this takes has compromised my ability to give the time and energy that my nlpsuccesscoaching work calls for. I intend to pick up where I left off as soon as circumstances change. Unfortunately there is no way of knowing when this will be, so I'll just have to say that I'll resume as soon as I can and that I'm unavailable for sessions until further notice. If you'd like me to let you know when I'm back working with clients, just e-mail and I'll be in touch - things could change at any time with my mum's condition. I am really looking forward to continuing my work, especially in the field of QHHT because I've witnessed the incredible potential of the technique. I do trust that things will happen at the right time for everybody concerned. All the best to you all for now and your future possibilities! Pete*

Peter Farthing

Client Centred, Solution Based

© 2021 Peter Farthing