Sports Performance
And Coach Mentoring
Peter has a lifetime of experience in competitive sport, specialising in tennis.
Since returning from competing in intercollegiate tennis in America in 1991,
he has built a wealth of knowledge teaching tennis and studying within the
field of human potential. He brings a unique synthesis of personal
development and sports coaching to his work.
The Difference That Makes The Difference
It has often been said that in a battle between the will and the imagination, the imagination will
always win. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the field of sport. We have all seen the best
technical and physical training sabotaged by the subconcious beliefs and motivations of the
performer. The solution can only be found by dealing with these levels of the mind – getting to
the root cause.
Effective technology for assisting performers to truly unlock their potential does exist. It is being
used by some, but not all! If you are interested in breaking through your most challenging
competitive barriers, this knowledge could be the difference that makes the difference for you.
Peter offers a powerful blend of three disciplines; Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy
and coaching methodology from The Inner Game. Together they provide a structure for change
and the tools to make it happen.
Peter Farthing
Client Centred, Solution Based
© Peter Farthing 2015
© 2020 Peter Farthing
© 2021 Peter Farthing