‘Having spent many years locked in a battle with my mind and the way I perceived myself, more specifically, my skin, I sought Pete's help to get my life back on track after a breakdown. I remember vividly opening my front door for the first therapy session, I had been locked- away for 3 months, not allowing anyone to enter my home. It was frightening but I knew in my gut that I needed to take the first step, there was no other way. During the first session, Pete and I talked about the issues I had faced over the past few months. It lasted about an hour and I was able to discuss the things I thought were contributing to my current situation and state of mind and with the use of various techniques, I was able to revisit certain points in my life and rationalise them thus informing my present thoughts with a sense of calm and understanding. During the session, I expressed to Pete how I would like the next few weeks to unfold and how I wanted more than anything to be able to leave the house and go for a walk. We used a visualisation/timeline technique that enabled me to see myself putting on my coat, opening the door and walking the beautiful country lanes I missed so much. Looking back, it seems like a little milestone but in fact, it was the most courageous step of my entire recovery. Having played-out the scenario in my mind however, I paved the way for the actual event. I took the first step and I marvelled at how I enjoyed strolling the lanes, taking in the beautiful view. I had a few more sessions of NLP over the coming months. With each one, I became stronger and more able to cope with everyday life. I have a toolkit of techniques that I call upon still today. Recovering from a breakdown is almost like rebooting the computer of the mind. I had to re-learn how to do the basics that I took for granted like jumping on the train, catching a bus, sitting in a room full of friends but with the use of the tools Pete taught me, these things once again became second nature. It has been about 3 years since my first session of NLP and with Pete's expertise, understanding and encouragement, my life has turned around. I can hand-on-heart vouch for the benefits of using NLP as a way to overcome fears, phobias and thoughts that can become unmanageable. It has given me many different coping techniques to handle the things that were preventing me from moving my life forward. I like the analogy that NLP puts a 'scratch' in the record, thought processes of the mind, which puts a halt to any unhelpful thought processes before they become overwhelming and unmanageable. I would recommend Pete's expertise to anyone seeking NLP/hypnosis as a way to assist them in moving their lives forward. It has without a doubt changed my life and I am very grateful to have discovered it at that particular juncture of my life. Thank you Pete. Holly Johnson.

Session Info

Professional integrity, ethical conduct and client confidentiality is key to this work. Peter is committed to following the GHSC and ICH codes of ethics and to continued learning and training in the fields of coaching, NLP and Clinical Hypnotherapy.

What To Expect

Sessions begin with a discussion about the desired changes and the situations relevant to the present condition. With this information, we can decide which will be the most appropriate tools to use for the changework to facilitate change for the client in the easiest way and in the shortest possible time. By being fully informed, discussing options and offering choice, the client has ownership of the change process and can feel safe throughout the work. The tools to be used can include coaching and motivational, conscious awareness NLP and light or medium trance hypnosis interventions. Before proceeding, the client must feel happy that they are clear about and comfortable with the processes involved in any interventions. I will not continue with a session if I am in any doubt about this. One of the major benefits of using NLP interventions is that it is possible to create the desired change without going unnecessarily into potentially embarrassing or painful memories. This is because the methodology seeks to deal with the behavioural process rather than the content. Nevertheless, it is recommended that a medical case history is taken with the client's consent and in absolute confidentiality. The information provided can be of great help during the session. If a client chooses to work on a coaching level, the option of taking a 'coaching walk' outdoors can provide a scenic alternative to working indoors and be surprisingly helpful in finding creative solutions. All hypnosis interventions take place indoors where the client feels able to relax undisturbed and in relative quiet. Any further questions the client may have about hypnosis will be answered before proceeding. Thus a session may include an initial discussion, a coaching walk, NLP to re- programme the mind and hypnosis to reinforce and cement the changework on a subconscious level. Clients will also be given the information needed to further reinforce the change by themselves after the session.

Holly’s Story

Holly kindly allowed the link below to a video on mental health awareness that she agreed to help produce for a university friend’s finals. It’s a real testament to the power of NLP, coaching and hypnotherapy to see the transformation that she was able to achieve. To read more about Holly’s journey, visit the blog she set up to help others that may be experiencing similar problems: The Skin I’m In Blog. Holly is now sharing her love of home made nutritious recipes for smoothies and healthy meals - ideas and ingredients for health and wellbeing at: Holly’s Wholesome Kitchen. (If the video doesn’t play on your browser, click this YouTube link).
Peter Farthing
Peter Farthing

Client Centred, Solution Based

© Peter Farthing 2015
© Peter Farthing 2015
© 2020 Peter Farthing
© 2021 Peter Farthing
‘Having spent many years locked in a battle with my mind and the way I perceived myself, more specifically, my skin, I sought Pete's help to get my life back on track after a breakdown. I remember vividly opening my front door for the first therapy session, I had been locked-away for 3 months, not allowing anyone to enter my home. It was frightening but I knew in my gut that I needed to take the first step, there was no other way. During the first session, Pete and I talked about the issues I had faced over the past few months. It lasted about an hour and I was able to discuss the things I thought were contributing to my current situation and state of mind and with the use of various techniques, I was able to revisit certain points in my life and rationalise them thus informing my present thoughts with a sense of calm and understanding. During the session, I expressed to Pete how I would like the next few weeks to unfold and how I wanted more than anything to be able to leave the house and go for a walk. We used a visualisation/timeline technique that enabled me to see myself putting on my coat, opening the door and walking the beautiful country lanes I missed so much. Looking back, it seems like a little milestone but in fact, it was the most courageous step of my entire recovery. Having played-out the scenario in my mind however, I paved the way for the actual event. I took the first step and I marvelled at how I enjoyed strolling the lanes, taking in the beautiful view. I had a few more sessions of NLP over the coming months. With each one, I became stronger and more able to cope with everyday life. I have a toolkit of techniques that I call upon still today. Recovering from a breakdown is almost like rebooting the computer of the mind. I had to re-learn how to do the basics that I took for granted like jumping on the train, catching a bus, sitting in a room full of friends but with the use of the tools Pete taught me, these things once again became second nature. It has been about 3 years since my first session of NLP and with Pete's expertise, understanding and encouragement, my life has turned around. I can hand-on-heart vouch for the benefits of using NLP as a way to overcome fears, phobias and thoughts that can become unmanageable. It has given me many different coping techniques to handle the things that were preventing me from moving my life forward. I like the analogy that NLP puts a 'scratch' in the record, thought processes of the mind, which puts a halt to any unhelpful thought processes before they become overwhelming and unmanageable. I would recommend Pete's expertise to anyone seeking NLP/hypnosis as a way to assist them in moving their lives forward. It has without a doubt changed my life and I am very grateful to have discovered it at that particular juncture of my life. Thank you Pete. Holly Johnson.

Session Info

Professional integrity, ethical conduct and client confidentiality is key to this work. Peter is committed to following the GHSC and ICH codes of ethics and to continued learning and training in the fields of coaching, NLP and Clinical Hypnotherapy.

What To Expect

Sessions begin with a discussion about the desired changes and the situations relevant to the present condition. With this information, we can decide which will be the most appropriate tools to use for the changework to facilitate change for the client in the easiest way and in the shortest possible time. By being fully informed, discussing options and offering choice, the client has ownership of the change process and can feel safe throughout the work. The tools to be used can include coaching and motivational, conscious awareness NLP and light or medium trance hypnosis interventions. Before proceeding, the client must feel happy that they are clear about and comfortable with the processes involved in any interventions. I will not continue with a session if I am in any doubt about this. One of the major benefits of using NLP interventions is that it is possible to create the desired change without going unnecessarily into potentially embarrassing or painful memories. This is because the methodology seeks to deal with the behavioural process rather than the content. Nevertheless, it is recommended that a medical case history is taken with the client's consent and in absolute confidentiality. The information provided can be of great help during the session. If a client chooses to work on a coaching level, the option of taking a 'coaching walk' outdoors can provide a scenic alternative to working indoors and be surprisingly helpful in finding creative solutions. All hypnosis interventions take place indoors where the client feels able to relax undisturbed and in relative quiet. Any further questions the client may have about hypnosis will be answered before proceeding. Thus a session may include an initial discussion, a coaching walk, NLP to re-programme the mind and hypnosis to reinforce and cement the changework on a subconscious level. Clients will also be given the information needed to further reinforce the change by themselves after the session.

Holly’s Story

Holly kindly allowed the link below to a video on mental health awareness that she agreed to help produce for a university friend’s finals. It’s a real testament to the power of NLP, coaching and hypnotherapy to see the transformation that she was able to achieve. To read more about Holly’s journey, visit the blog she set up to help others that may be experiencing similar problems: The Skin I’m In Blog. Holly is now sharing her love of home made nutritious recipes for smoothies and healthy meals - ideas and ingredients for health and wellbeing at: Holly’s Wholesome Kitchen. (If the video doesn’t play on your browser, click this YouTube link).
Peter Farthing

Client Centred, Solution Based

© 2021 Peter Farthing